Sunday, September 25, 2016

Complete Glossary of Guitar Terms

Complete Glossary of Guitar Terms


  • Accented note A note played with more emphasis than others.
  • Action A word used to describe the distance of the strings off the fretboard, as in "high" or "low" action.
  • Archtop A type of acoustic or semi-acoustic guitar, with an arched soundboard, often played by jazz guitarists.
  • Arpeggio The playing of the tones of a chord separately, rather than simultaneously.
  • Augmented The quality of a chord having its intervals as the 1st, 3rd and sharp 5th notes of the major scale. See this page.
  • Barre chord A chord which uses the index finger to bar across several strings to act as the nut. Familiar shapes are fingered to the treble side of it. More here.
  • Bend A technique used to raise the pitch of a note by pushing the string sideways across the fretboard. See Bending.
  • Bridge The part of the guitar where the strings transmit their vibrations to the soundboard. Made of either wood or metal. See Anatomy.
  • Capo A device which clamps onto the fretboard acting as the nut. Allows unfriendly keys to be changed to friendly. More here.
  • Chord A group of scale notes which are played together, the simplest being the triad consisting of the 1st, 3rd and 5th of the scale. Read all about chords starting here.
  • Dead note A muted note played with no discernible pitch.
  • Diminished The quality of a chord having its intervals as the 1st, flat 3rd and flat 5th of the major scale.
  • Double stop Two notes played simultaneously.
  • Fingerpicking A pattern-based way of playing through chord progressions using the fingers. More here.
  • Finger Style The art of playing guitar with the fingers rather than a flatpick. The thumb and up to three fingers are used. More here.
  • Flatwound strings Steel strings which use flat ribbon winding rather than round wire for the thicker strings. Preferred by jazz guitarists.
  • Fretboard The fretted surface of the neck where you do the playing, sometimes known as the fingerboard. See Anatomy.
  • Fret The wire inset on fret board; also describes the distance between notes on the fretboard.
  • F-Hole The F shaped opening in the sound board of some guitars, usually archtops or resonators.
  • Ghost note A note played very quietly; the opposite of an accented note.
  • Grace note An ornamental note usually played just before a main note.
  • Hammer-on The creation of a new and higher note by hammering down on an already ringing string on a new fret; opposite of a pull-off. See this page.
  • Harmonic       A bell-like sound created by gently touching the string at certain points. See Harmonics.
  • Headstock The "top" of the guitar, where the tuning pegs are. See Anatomy.
  • Improvisation The art of inventing music on the fly. This is achieved by knowing the structure of music, hearing it and inventing according to the rules.
  • Interval The "distance" between any two notes, usually measured relative to the major scale. See Notes.
  • Inversion The order in which the tones of a triad are stacked: Root position: 1-3-5; First inversion: 3-5-1; Second inversion: 5-1-3. See Slash chords.
  • Legato Italian for 'tied together'. If you hammer-on or pull-off notes, you're playing legato style. See Hammer 0n and Pull off.
  • Major The quality of a chord having its intervals as the 1st, 3rd and 5th notes of the major scale.
  • Minor The quality of a chord having its intervals as the 1st, flat 3rd and 5th of the major scale
  • Mode Another word for scale. The major scale yields 7 modes, one starting and ending on each note. More on modes here.
  • Muting A technique used to muffle the ringing of notes, usually done with the edge of the hand placed gently on the strings near the bridge. Check out this page.
  • Nut The small grooved piece of bone that the strings sit in between the fretboard and the headstock. See Anatomy.
  • Palm mute A technique used to muffle the ringing of notes, done with the edge of the palm. See Muting.
  • Pickup The electronic device used to pick up the sound of electric guitar strings. There are many types and configurations.
  • Pitch pipe Old fashion device used for tuning guitars. Works by tuning to the notes created by blowing into its six tubes.
  • Plectrum Official word for guitar pick.
  • Power chord Not really a chord; a double stop consisting of a root and a fifth of the chord, omitting the third. Read more here.
  • Pull-off The creation of a new note by pulling your finger off an already ringing note to a lower fretted or open note; opposite of a hammer-on. More here.
  • Resonator The circular speaker-like device, usually chrome, that fits into the body of some guitars, used to increase volume.
  • Root Sometimes referred to as 'root note' -- Another word for Tonic, or the first note of a scale.
  • Saddle The upright blade which sits in the bridge, often bone, where the strings sit. See Anatomy.
  • Scale A series of intervals, usually spanning an octave. Scales are more often viewed as a series of notes (generated by the intervals). More here.
  • Slash chord A chord such as G/B, meaning a G chord with a B bass note. See Slash chords
  • Slide A tube which fits on the finger and is used to slide along the strings to alter the pitch of notes (see Slide or Bottleneck Guitar); also the technique of sliding notes or chord shapes up the fretboard (see Sliding).
  • Sound hole The round hole on the front of most acoustic guitars. See Anatomy.
  • Sound board The front surface of acoustic guitars. This is where the sound from the strings is amplified via the bridge. See Anatomy.
  • Sus4 A chord consisting of the 1st, 4th and 5th notes of the major scale. The (4) in effect replaces the (3). This chord demands resolution.
  • Tablature A pictorial system of notation for guitar music, showing six strings and fret positions. More here.
  • Tail piece The metal device usually used on archtop guitars to anchor the strings beyond the bridge.
  • Tapping A hammer-on technique that is done with the right hand.
  • Thumb pick A plastic pick which fits around the thumb and projects a blade out to act as a pick.
  • Tonic The tonic; the first note of a scale; the main note of a chord, the note the chord is named after. Also known as the "root".
  • Tremolo The very fast repetition of notes; or an electronic effect that varies the volume in a regular pulsating manner.
  • Triad The simplest, smallest chord there is, consisting of the 1st, 3rd and 5th notes of the scale. More here.
  • Trill       A rapid movement between two notes.
  • Triplet A group of three notes played where two would be played.
  • Truss rod A steel rod which fits inside the neck of some guitars. Its tension can be adjusted to straighten the neck.
  • Tuner An electronic device used to tune guitars. More about tuning here.
  • Tuning pegs The geared devices on the headstock used to tighten or loosen the strings. also known as Machine Heads. See Anatomy.
  • Vibrato The 'wobbling' of notes, done by physically moving the strings across the fretboard. See Vibrato.
  • Whammy bar      A lever attached to the bridge of electric guitars that can be used to alter the pitch of notes.

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