Friday, May 8, 2020

Fixing up an Acoustic Guitar (Notes) and Videos on building a Telecaster Kit

Fixing up an Acoustic Guitar (Notes)

From these Youtube videos:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Replacement bridge material

Finish Fret Ends

Use a special tool or a file to angle the frets past the fretboard


Terms:  Saddle is at the bottom (base) of fretboard

Nut is at at the top 

Action is the distance from strings to fretboard

The fingerboard (also known as a fretboard on fretted instruments) is a thin, long 

strip of material, usually wood, that is laminated to the front of the neck of an instrument. The strings run over the fingerboard, between the nut and bridge.

Warm guitar tone usually has strong frequencies below 800hz and around 6-7khz, whereas a crisp tone would have more frequencies above 800hz and around 7-8 khz. Crisp tones also have a lot of presence above 10khz?  The audio spectrum range spans from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz and can be effectively broken down into seven different frequency bands, with each band having a different impact on the total sound..  So Warm is low to mid range tone.

Sand down the bridge or nut to set a good action height :

(Measure) Action set up:

Using a .110 shim measure the 12th fret. You want to be as low as .060 and high as .090 distance from the string to the fret. E to e.

At the first fret you can use a medium guitar pick for a shim or .018 shim. If your action is too high and you say you need to take off .020 at the 12th you have to take .040 off the saddle. When removing the saddle loosen but do not remove the strings from the tuners and remove the pegs and put the strings to the side.

Video measure and fix action

Fossilized Ivory is a great material for nuts and saddles, also deer antlers.  The more dense the more mellow the sound.  Less dense makes for a more bright tone.

To lower the saddle or nut sand over a parallel service to required height.  The more contact the bridge has with the body the better the sound.  Full contact will make for a warmer sound with increased sustain.

Fret Rocker: A straight device that measures uniform fret height.

Use Fret Rocker on three frets at a time by vertically placing the Fret Rocker on three frets at a time like a seesaw.  If there is a seesaw effect not same height

Treat the fretboard with almond oil and also the saddle.

To give the neck a shinny and therefore a faster feel wipe with T-Cut color Restorer.  Be careful not to cut through the finish into the wood.  Re-polish with furniture polish

How to videos on how to build and finish one.

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